stockpile inventory lists

Latest Update

2025-01-12 05:15:23

General Items

Item Buy Price Sell Price Description
Abacus 2g 8c 1g 2s 6c 2 lb.
Acid (vial) 28g 4s 1c 18g 3s 9c 1 lb.
Alchemist’s fire (flask) 45g 1s 6c 30g 8s 6c 1 lb.
Alchemist’s supplies 50g 4s 42g 2s 6c 8 lb.
Antitoxin (vial) 52g 8s 7c 33g 5s 9c --
Arrows (20) 9s 3c 7s 1c 1 lb.
Bagpipes 31g 5s 9c 24g 9s 4c 6 lb.
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) 9s 7c 5s 9c 2 lb.
Barrel 1g 9s 8c 1g 4s 1c 70 lb.
Basket 3s 5c 2s 6c 2 lb.
Battleaxe 9g 2s 8c 6g 9s 9c 4 lb. 1d8 slashing, Versatile (1d10)
Bedroll 1g 8c 7s 5c 7 lb.
Bedroll 1g 4c 7s 1c A thick, padded blanket rolled up for easy carrying, providing a comfortable place to rest while camping.
Bell 9s 3c 5s 8c --
Blanket 4s 7c 3s 3c 3 lb.
Block and tackle 9s 3c 5s 6c 5 lb.
Blowgun 9g 6s 5c 7g 3s 1 lb. 1 piercing, "Ammunition (range 25/100), loading"
Blowgun Needles (50) 1g 1s 8c 7s 7c 1 lb.
Book 26g 3s 21g 9s 4c 5 lb.
Bottle, glass 1g 5s 8c 1g 5s 7c 2 lb.
Breastplate 409g 7s 8c 284g 1s 9c 20 lb. 14 + Dex modifier (max 2)
Brewer’s supplies 21g 1s 7c 14g 5s 6c 9 lb.
Bucket 4c 3c 2 lb.
Calligrapher's Supplies 11g 2s 2c 8g 5s 4c 5 lb.
Caltrops (bag of 20) 9s 6c 8s 2c 2 lb.
Candle 1c --
Carpenter’s tools 8g 2s 6c 5g 2s 5c 6 lb.
Cartographer’s tools 12g 9s 5c 8g 5s 5c 6 lb.
Case, crossbow bolt 9s 3c 6s 6c 1 lb.
Chain (10 feet) 5g 3c 3g 6s 2c 10 lb.
Chain mail 116g 5s 7c 81g 8s 3c 55 lb. 16. Stealth Disadvantage (req. Str 13)
Chain shirt 54g 7c 42g 2s 7c 20 lb. 13 + Dex modifier (max 2)
Chalk (1 piece) 1c --
Chest 4g 7s 8c 3g 9s 1c 25 lb.
Clothes, Common 5s 1c 4s 1c 3 lb.
Clothes, fine 16g 5s 6c 11g 4s 4c 6 lb.
Clothes, traveler’s 1g 7s 7c 1g 3s 7c 4 lb.
Club 8c 5c 2 lb. 1d4 bludgeoning, Light
Cobbler’s tools 4g 8s 3c 3g 8s 1c 5 lb.
Cooking Pot 2g 2s 1c 1g 7s 4c A metal pot with a lid, suitable for cooking meals over an open flame or campfire.
Cook’s utensils 1g 3c 7s 8c 8 lb.
Crossbow bolts (20) 1g 1c 7s 9c 1.5 lb.
Crossbow, hand 82g 7s 3c 63g 6s 6c 3 lb. 1d6 piercing, "Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading"
Crossbow, heavy 58g 5s 51g 9s 7c 18 lb. 1d10 piercing, "Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed"
Crossbow, light 26g 6s 7c 19g 5s 5 lb. 1d8 piercing, "Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed"
Dagger 1g 9s 1c 1g 4s 6c 1 lb. 1d4 piercing, "Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)"
Dart 1c 1/4 lb. 1d4 piercing, "Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)"
Dice set 3c 2c --
Drum 6g 1s 1c 4g 9s 3 lb.
Dulcimer 26g 5s 8c 23g 3s 7c 10 lb.
Fishing tackle 9s 5c 7s 3c 4 lb.
Flail 10g 2s 1c 9g 7s 2c 2 lb. 1d8 bludgeoning
Flask or Tankard 1c --
Flute 2g 1s 1c 1g 6s 7c 1 lb.
Glaive 19g 9s 6c 14g 3s 2c 6 lb. 1d10 slashing, "Heavy, reach, two-handed"
Glassblower’s tools 35g 4s 8c 23g 5c 5 lb.
Grappling hook 2g 4c 1g 5s 9c 4 lb.
Greataxe 31g 1s 8c 21g 3s 2c 7 lb. 1d12 slashing, "Heavy, two-handed"
Greatclub 5c 3c 10 lb. 1d8 bludgeoning, Two-handed
Greatsword 42g 6s 7c 35g 5c 6 lb. 2d6 slashing, "Heavy, two-handed"
Halberd 21g 1s 3c 14g 4s 6 lb. 1d10 slashing, "Heavy, reach, two-handed"
Half plate 672g 3s 1c 470g 8s 6c 40 lb. 15 + Dex modifier (max 2). Stealth Disadvantage
Hammer 9s 3c 7s 8c 3 lb.
Hammer and Nails 4s 4c 3s 6c A sturdy hammer and a handful of iron nails, useful for repairs and construction.
Hammer, sledge 1g 7s 4c 1g 3s 2c 10 lb.
Handaxe 7g 8s 5c 5g 9s 8c 2 lb. 1d6 slashing, "Light, thrown (range 20/60)"
Healing Potion 50g 2s 5c 39g 3s 2c A vial of red liquid that accelerates natural healing, mending wounds and injuries.
Hide 9g 8s 2c 7g 12 lb. 12 + Dex modifier (max 2)
Holy Water (flask) 25g 1s 1c 14g 9s 8c 1 lb.
Horn 2g 8s 6c 2g 4s 3c 2 lb.
Hourglass 26g 5c 16g 4s 2c 1 lb.
Hunting trap 4g 5s 2g 7s 3c 25 lb.
Ink and Quill 9c 7c A small vial of ink and a quill pen, essential for writing letters, maps, and contracts.
Ink pen 1c --
Javelin 4s 8c 4s 2 lb. 1d6 piercing, Thrown (range 30/120)
Jeweler’s tools 27g 6s 3c 22g 8s 7c 2 lb.
Jug or Pitcher 1c 4 lb.
Kit, climber’s 25g 7s 5c 18g 3s 4c 12 lb.
Kit, disguise 26g 4s 4c 16g 7s 4c 3 lb.
Kit, healer’s 3g 7s 1c 2g 5s 5c 3 lb.
Kit, herbalism 4g 8s 1c 3g 1s 3 lb.
Kit, mess 2s 1c 1s 5c 1 lb.
Ladder (10-foot) 6c 4c 25 lb.
Lamp 5s 3s 8c 1 lb.
Lance 9g 6s 5c 7g 9s 7c 6 lb. 1d12 piercing, "Reach, secial"
Lantern 5g 4s 8c 4g 4s 1c A metal lantern with glass panels, fueled by oil and equipped with a handle for easy carrying.
Lantern, bullseye 10g 2c 5g 6s 8c 2 lb.
Lantern, hooded 5g 9c 3g 6s 8c 2 lb.
Leather 9g 8s 2c 6g 9s 3c 10 lb. 11 + Dex modifier
Leatherworker’s tools 5g 3c 3g 3s 3c 5 lb.
Light Hammer 1g 4s 1c 1g 4c 2 lb. 1d4 bludgeoning, "Light, thrown (range 20/60)"
Lockpicks 25g 5s 9c 20g 6s 9c A set of delicate tools used for picking locks and bypassing security mechanisms.
Longbow 43g 3s 4c 28g 9s 9c 2 lb. 1d8 piercing, "Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed"
Longsword 16g 5s 12g 5c 3 lb. 1d8 slashing, Versatile (1d10)
Lute 35g 7s 9c 29g 5s 7c 2 lb.
Lyre 25g 7s 2c 21g 1s 7c 2 lb.
Mace 4g 6s 4c 3g 4s 7c 4 lb. 1d6 bludgeoning
Magnifying glass 104g 6s 5c 73g 4s 6c --
Manacles 2g 1s 8c 1g 6s 3c 6 lb.
Map of the Region 5g 3s 9c 4g 2s 2c A detailed map depicting local landmarks, roads, and geographical features.
Mason’s tools 9g 9s 7c 7g 5s 7c 8 lb.
Maul 10g 6s 5c 7g 4s 10 lb. 2d6 bludgeoning, "Heavy, two-handed"
Mirror, steel 5g 2s 8c 4g 5s 3c 1/2 lb.
Morningstar 15g 1s 7c 10g 3s 4 lb. 1d8 piercing
Navigator’s tools 32g 7s 2c 23g 6s 8c 2 lb.
Net 9s 8c 8s 1c 3 lb. "Special, thrown (range 5/15)"
Oil (flask) 9c 6c 1 lb.
Padded 6g 3s 4c 5g 5s 4c 8 lb. 11 + Dex modifier Stealth Disadvantage
Painter’s supplies 8g 4s 2c 6g 3s 8c 5 lb.
Pan flute 10g 1s 5c 8g 6s 8c 2 lb.
Paper (one sheet) 1s 9c 1s 7c --
Parchment (one sheet) 3c 3c --
Perfume (vial) 4g 7s 8c 3g 4s 6c --
Pick, miner’s 1g 9s 7c 1g 3s 9c 10 lb.
Piton 4c 3c 1/4 lb.
Plate 1485g 8s 6c 1177g 1s 5c 65 lb. 18. Stealth Disadvantage (req. Str 15)
Playing card set 2s 5c 1s 8c --
Poison, basic (vial) 100g 5c 79g 3s --
Pole (10-foot) 1c --
Pot, iron 2g 1s 4c 1g 7s 3c 10 lb.
Potion of Healing 49g 6s 4c 38g 1s 2c 1/2 lb.
Potter’s tools 11g 4c 8g 7s 1c 3 lb.
Pouch 4s 1c 2s 3c 1 lb.
Quarterstaff 1s 8c 1s 4c 4 lb. 1d6 bludgeoning, Versatile (1d8)
Quiver 7s 4s 3c 1 lb.
Ram, portable 3g 8s 9c 2g 2s 6c 35 lb.
Rapier 24g 2c 17g 8s 3c 2 lb. 1d8 piercing, Finesse
Rations (1 day) 4s 9c 3s 1c 2 lb.
Ring mail 31g 6s 4c 24g 4s 40 lb. 14. Stealth Disadvantage
Robes 1g 6c 7s 8c 4 lb.
Rope, 50 feet 9s 5c 7s 1c A length of sturdy hemp rope, useful for climbing, tying, and securing objects.
Rope, hempen (50 feet) 9s 7c 9s 1c 10 lb.
Rope, silk (50 feet) 9g 3s 7c 6g 5s 5 lb.
Saddlebags 3g 9s 8c 3g 1s 5c Large leather bags designed to hang from a saddle, ideal for carrying supplies while riding.
Scale mail 49g 2s 9c 34g 7c 45 lb. 14 + Dex modifier (max 2). Stealth Disadvantage
Scale, merchant’s 5g 8s 1c 4g 5c 3 lb.
Scimitar 26g 2s 5c 20g 3s 6c 3 lb. 1d6 slashing, "Finesse, light"
Sealing wax 5s 9c 4s 2c --
Shawm 1g 9s 4c 1g 2s 8c 1 lb.
Shield 8g 7s 4c 7g 3s 2c 6 lb. (+2)
Shortbow 24g 6s 4c 18g 8s 2c 2 lb. 1d6 piercing, "Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed"
Shortsword 10g 4s 4c 6g 9s 9c 2 lb. 1d6 piercing,"Finesse, light"
Shovel 1g 7s 4c 1g 3s 2c 5 lb.
Sickle 7s 2c 5s 1c 2 lb. 1d4 slashing, Light
Signal whistle 1c --
Signet ring 6g 7s 9c 4g 8s 6c --
Sling bullets (20) 1c --
Smith’s tools 20g 8s 7c 18g 1s 1c 8 lb.
Spellbook 49g 8s 34g 6s 7c 3 lb.
Spikes, iron (10) 1g 1s 5c 9s 2c 5 lb.
Splint 181g 8s 8c 110g 1s 6c 60 lb. 17. Stealth Disadvantage (req. Str 15)
Spyglass 836g 7c 640g 1c 1 lb.
Studded leather 45g 1s 9c 36g 4c 13 lb. 12 + Dex modifier
Tent, two-person 1g 8s 5c 1g 3s 20 lb.
Tents 10g 1c 7g 2s 9c A portable shelter made of canvas, supported by collapsible poles and pegs.
Thieves’ tools 27g 9s 7c 19g 7s 2c 1 lb.
Tinderbox 5s 4c 3s 3c 1 lb.
Tinker’s tools 46g 3s 35g 7s 2c 10 lb.
Torch 4c 3c 1 lb.
Trail Rations 5s 5c 4s 4c A pre-packaged assortment of dried fruits, nuts, and jerky, perfect for long journeys.
Traveler's Clothes 1g 2c 7s 9c A set of practical clothing suitable for long journeys, made of durable fabrics.
Trident 5g 4s 7c 4g 5s 3c 4 lb. 1d6 piercing, "Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)"
Vial 1g 2s 4c 8s 6c --
Viol 25g 3c 16g 1 lb.
War Pick 5g 1s 2c 4g 2s 2 lb. 1d8 piercing
Warhammer 15g 3s 7c 11g 4s 2 lb. 1d8 bludgeoning, Versatile (1d10)
Waterskin 2s 1s 7c 5 lb. (full)
Weaver’s tools 9s 9c 7s 5 lb.
Whetstone 3c 2c A small stone used for sharpening blades and keeping weapons and tools in good condition.
Whip 2g 8c 1g 6s 2c 3 lb. 1d4 slashing, "Finesse, reach"
Woodcarver’s tools 1g 3s 1c 1g 1s 7c 5 lb.
canvas 1c --
copper 4s 9c 4s 1c 1 lb.
cotton cloth 4s 9c 4s 1 sq. yd.
flour 4c 3c 1 lb.
ginger 8s 7c 5s 4c 1 lb.
gold 57g 9s 6c 40g 7s 9c 1 lb.
iron 7c 5c 1 lb.
linen 4g 8s 2c 3g 2c 1 sq. yd.
one baby chicken 3c 2c 1 lb. (limit 10 per week)
one baby cow 8g 6s 5g 8s 1c --
one baby ox 16g 2s 8g 3s 3c --
one baby pig 3g 7c 2g 5c --
pepper 2g 2s 1c 1g 7s 6c 1 lb.
platinum 572g 1s 7c 543g 6s 7c 1 lb.
saffron 12g 8s 5c 9g 3s 1 lb.
salt 1c 1c 1 lb.
silk 8g 8s 5g 6s 3c 1 sq. yd.
silver 4g 9s 5c 3g 6s 1c 1 lb.

Specialty/Trade Items

Item Buy Price Sell Price Description
Amulet of the Mage 13113g 4s 6c 9315g 8s 8c This amulet enhances the wearer's spellcasting abilities, increasing their potency.
Arcane Scroll 29g 2s 1c 22g 4c Protection from chaos
Arcane Scroll (sleep) 23g 8s 2c 15g 9s 5c --
Bag of Chestnuts 1g 1s 1c 7s 9c 1 lb.
Bastard Sword 46665g 4s 1c 42572g 9s 8c (+3 weapon, shicking burst) Every strike by this weapon is accompanied by a monstrous snarl
Bracers of Defense 9350g 2s 4c 7061g 1s 5c These bracers grant magical protection to their wearer, enhancing their armor class.
Dagger of Venom 8771g 5s 6641g 3s 3c This finely crafted dagger is coated with a potent venom that poisons its victims.
Gloves of Dexterity 4383g 6s 2799g 1s 8c These gloves enhance the wearer's manual dexterity and agility.
Headband of Intellect (+6) 32208g 5s 5c 23231g 9c --
Jade set of Animal figurines 314g 2s 8c 260g 7s 7c --
Key of Passage 306g 5s 5c 241g 8s 9c A mystical key that unlocks hidden doors and passages, revealing secret chambers and treasures.
Lantern of Flickering Shadows 56g 6s 5c 49g 3s 6c A lantern that projects shifting shadow patterns, creating illusions and distractions.
Mirage Cloak 205g 9c 150g 8s 1c A cloak that shimmers and shifts, creating illusions of the wearer's surroundings to confuse attackers.
Musical Instrument (Balalaika) 37g 2s 4c 24g 3s 8c A triangular, three-stringed instrument used in Russian folk music, played by plucking or strumming.
Musical Instrument (Clarinet) 38g 2s 6c 28g 7s 9c A woodwind instrument with a cylindrical bore and single reed mouthpiece, played by blowing air through the reed.
Musical Instrument (Horn) 2g 6s 2g 2s 1c A brass instrument with a flared bell and tubing, played by buzzing the lips into a mouthpiece.
Musical Instrument (Lute) 38g 2s 4c 34g 2s 5c A stringed instrument with a resonating body and fretted neck, used for playing music.
Potion of Darkvision 206g 1s 5c 155g 6s This glowing elixir causes shadows to appear darker when used.
Potion of Giant Strength 286g 9s 204g 9c Increases strength to 21 for 1 hour.
Potion of Jump 36g 1s 22g 9c A glowing ichor, contained in a crystal jar etched with holy symbols.
Potion of Mage armor 80g 1s 1c 55g 8s 4c This glowing potion causes a burning sensation when used.
Ring of Protection 5935g 5s 8c 4305g 6s 8c This ring bestows magical protection upon its wearer, increasing their defenses.
Ring ofsell Turning 104067g 2s 65567g 2s 2c (inscription provides clue to function) This polished ring also repels small insects when held.
Rod of Absorption 31066g 2s 3c 23463g 4c This rod can absorb and store magical energy, allowing its wielder to harness it later.
Rod of the Viper 21957g 7s 7c 16753g This ash rod was created by a god of magic for his most loyal hero. (inscription provides clue to function)
Set of bagpipes 31g 4s 26g 5s 8c --
Skooma 36g 3s 2c 30g 1s 7c For 8 hours, gain advantage on all Charisma checks but disadvantage on all Intelligence, Dexterity, and Wisdom checks.
Staff of Power 52969g 2s 7c 42592g 6s 1c This staff is imbued with formidable magical energies, capable of unleashing devastating spells.
Wand of Lightning Bolts 19332g 6s 1c 14946g 4s 7c This wand can unleash powerful bolts of lightning upon command.
Wand of Neutralize Poison 3775g 8s 9c 2583g 5s 6c (13 of 50 charges) This distinctive wand also grants the magical ability to endure extreme cold for one hour per day.
Whispering Blade 110g 5s 100g 8s 6c A finely crafted sword that whispers secrets and advice to its wielder during combat.
Whispering Wind Chime 60g 7s 8c 47g 7c A set of wind chimes that emit soothing whispers when stirred by the breeze.
White Onyx 44g 3s 6c 37g 3s 4c --