2025-03-02 05:16:07
Item | Buy Price | Sell Price | Description |
Acid (vial) | 29g 3s 6c | 22g 8c | 1 lb. |
Alchemist’s fire (flask) | 34g 7s 1c | 28g 5s 6c | 1 lb. |
Alchemist’s supplies | 48g 2s | 33g 1s 1c | 8 lb. |
Antitoxin (vial) | 60g 2s 5c | 51g 2s 2c | -- |
Arrows (20) | 9s 4c | 7s 7c | 1 lb. |
Backpack | 1g 7s 1c | 1g 3s 5c | 5 lb. |
Bagpipes | 32g 7s 4c | 26g 6s 1c | 6 lb. |
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) | 9s 9c | 7s 8c | 2 lb. |
Barrel | 2g 1s 7c | 1g 6s 7c | 70 lb. |
Basket | 4s 4c | 3s 1c | 2 lb. |
Battleaxe | 9g 1s 7c | 6g 4s 8c | 4 lb. 1d8 slashing, Versatile (1d10) |
Bedroll | 1g 2s 2c | 9s 2c | 7 lb. |
Bedroll | 1g 1s | 9s 8c | A thick, padded blanket rolled up for easy carrying, providing a comfortable place to rest while camping. |
Bell | 8s 9c | 5s 7c | -- |
Blanket | 5s 5c | 4s 2c | 3 lb. |
Block and tackle | 9s 5c | 7s 7c | 5 lb. |
Blowgun | 8g 6s 5c | 6g 4s 2c | 1 lb. 1 piercing, "Ammunition (range 25/100), loading" |
Blowgun Needles (50) | 8s 3c | 6s 7c | 1 lb. |
Book | 28g 7s 9c | 20g 5s 4c | 5 lb. |
Bottle, glass | 1g 4s 5c | 1g 8c | 2 lb. |
Breastplate | 410g 3s 5c | 278g 1s 8c | 20 lb. 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) |
Brewer’s supplies | 17g 2s 4c | 13g 3s 4c | 9 lb. |
Bucket | 4c | 3c | 2 lb. |
Calligrapher's Supplies | 13g 2s 2c | 10g 1s 7c | 5 lb. |
Caltrops (bag of 20) | 8s 4c | 6s | 2 lb. |
Candle | 1c | -- | |
Carpenter’s tools | 7g 9s 8c | 6g 4s 6c | 6 lb. |
Cartographer’s tools | 16g 1s 4c | 12g 4s 4c | 6 lb. |
Case, crossbow bolt | 1g 2c | 7s | 1 lb. |
Case, map or scroll | 8s 1c | 4s 3c | 1 lb. |
Chain (10 feet) | 3g 8s | 3g 2s 5c | 10 lb. |
Chain mail | 68g 7s 6c | 44g 6s 2c | 55 lb. 16. Stealth Disadvantage (req. Str 13) |
Chain shirt | 47g 7s 1c | 29g 8s 4c | 20 lb. 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) |
Chalk (1 piece) | 1c | -- | |
Chest | 4g 2s 5c | 3g 9c | 25 lb. |
Clothes, Common | 4s 2c | 2s 8c | 3 lb. |
Clothes, costume | 5g 4s 6c | 4g | 4 lb. |
Clothes, fine | 16g 3s | 12g 4s 5c | 6 lb. |
Clothes, traveler’s | 2g 3c | 1g 6s 2c | 4 lb. |
Club | 8c | 7c | 2 lb. 1d4 bludgeoning, Light |
Cobbler’s tools | 3g 6s 2c | 2g 2s 4c | 5 lb. |
Component pouch | 30g 2s 9c | 23g 8s 1c | 2 lb. |
Cook’s utensils | 1g 6c | 8s 9c | 8 lb. |
Crossbow bolts (20) | 8s 7c | 5s 6c | 1.5 lb. |
Crossbow, hand | 109g 3s 6c | 80g 1c | 3 lb. 1d6 piercing, "Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading" |
Crossbow, heavy | 66g 7s 3c | 52g 5s 8c | 18 lb. 1d10 piercing, "Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed" |
Crossbow, light | 25g 1s 8c | 17g 7s 9c | 5 lb. 1d8 piercing, "Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed" |
Crowbar | 2g 3s 4c | 1g 6s 9c | 5 lb. |
Dagger | 2g 7c | 1g 7s 7c | 1 lb. 1d4 piercing, "Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)" |
Dart | 4c | 3c | 1/4 lb. 1d4 piercing, "Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)" |
Dice set | 1c | -- | |
Drum | 6g 7s | 5g 1s 7c | 3 lb. |
Dulcimer | 34g 6s 6c | 25g 4s 2c | 10 lb. |
Fishing Rod | 1g 4c | 8s 4c | A simple rod with a line and hook, used for catching fish in rivers, lakes, and ponds. |
Fishing tackle | 8s 5c | 7s 5c | 4 lb. |
Flail | 9g 9s 7c | 8g 7c | 2 lb. 1d8 bludgeoning |
Flask or Tankard | 1c | 1 lb. | |
Flute | 2g 9c | 1g 7s 9c | 1 lb. |
Glaive | 16g 3s 4c | 11g 1s 1c | 6 lb. 1d10 slashing, "Heavy, reach, two-handed" |
Glassblower’s tools | 27g 1s 9c | 21g 7s 5c | 5 lb. |
Grappling hook | 1g 8s 6c | 1g 6s 2c | 4 lb. |
Greataxe | 23g 6s | 21g 2c | 7 lb. 1d12 slashing, "Heavy, two-handed" |
Greatclub | 2c | 1c | 10 lb. 1d8 bludgeoning, Two-handed |
Greatsword | 33g 8s | 24g 3s 1c | 6 lb. 2d6 slashing, "Heavy, two-handed" |
Halberd | 18g 7s 7c | 13g 8c | 6 lb. 1d10 slashing, "Heavy, reach, two-handed" |
Half plate | 903g 4s 8c | 665g 6s 5c | 40 lb. 15 + Dex modifier (max 2). Stealth Disadvantage |
Hammer | 9s 4c | 7s 1c | 3 lb. |
Hammer and Nails | 5s 4c | 4s 7c | A sturdy hammer and a handful of iron nails, useful for repairs and construction. |
Hammer, sledge | 1g 6s 1c | 1g 1s 9c | 10 lb. |
Handaxe | 8g 8s 5c | 6g 6s 9c | 2 lb. 1d6 slashing, "Light, thrown (range 20/60)" |
Healing Potion | 50g 6s 6c | 39g 7s 4c | A vial of red liquid that accelerates natural healing, mending wounds and injuries. |
Holy Water (flask) | 24g 5s 9c | 20g 2s 1c | 1 lb. |
Horn | 3g 4s 1c | 2g 7s 6c | 2 lb. |
Hourglass | 25g 5s 6c | 20g 6s 7c | 1 lb. |
Hunting trap | 4g 2c | 2g 6s 8c | 25 lb. |
Ink (1 ounce bottle) | 10g 8s | 7g 9s 7c | -- |
Ink and Quill | 6c | 4c | A small vial of ink and a quill pen, essential for writing letters, maps, and contracts. |
Ink pen | 1c | -- | |
Javelin | 4s 1c | 3s | 2 lb. 1d6 piercing, Thrown (range 30/120) |
Jeweler’s tools | 31g 1s | 25g 5s 4c | 2 lb. |
Jug or Pitcher | 1c | 4 lb. | |
Kit, climber’s | 22g 8c | 16g 5s 7c | 12 lb. |
Kit, disguise | 24g 9c | 19g 9s 7c | 3 lb. |
Kit, forgery | 16g 3s 9c | 10g 8s 2c | 5 lb. |
Kit, healer’s | 2g 7s 3c | 2g 1s 1c | 3 lb. |
Kit, herbalism | 3g 9s 7c | 2g 8s 4c | 3 lb. |
Kit, mess | 1s 7c | 1s 3c | 1 lb. |
Kit, poisoner’s | 55g 1s 6c | 42g 5s 3c | 2 lb. |
Lance | 8g 8s 5c | 8g 6c | 6 lb. 1d12 piercing, "Reach, secial" |
Lantern | 5g 6s | 4g 6s | A metal lantern with glass panels, fueled by oil and equipped with a handle for easy carrying. |
Lantern Oil | 8c | 6c | A flask of flammable oil used to fuel lanterns and torches, providing illumination in the dark. |
Lantern, bullseye | 9g 9s 1c | 8g 3s 2c | 2 lb. |
Lantern, hooded | 7g 5s | 5g 9s 5c | 2 lb. |
Leather | 7g 8s 4c | 5g 6s 5c | 10 lb. 11 + Dex modifier |
Leatherworker’s tools | 4g 5s 4c | 3g 2s 9c | 5 lb. |
Light Hammer | 1g 2s 8c | 9s 2c | 2 lb. 1d4 bludgeoning, "Light, thrown (range 20/60)" |
Lock | 9g 6s 6c | 7g 5s 2c | 1 lb. |
Lockpicks | 23g 2s 4c | 18g 2s 1c | A set of delicate tools used for picking locks and bypassing security mechanisms. |
Longbow | 44g 8s 7c | 34g 3s 6c | 2 lb. 1d8 piercing, "Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed" |
Longsword | 17g 8s 8c | 10g 6s 5c | 3 lb. 1d8 slashing, Versatile (1d10) |
Lute | 34g 4s | 24g 9c | 2 lb. |
Lyre | 24g 2s 5c | 18g 7s 4c | 2 lb. |
Mace | 3g 6s 6c | 2g 3s 7c | 4 lb. 1d6 bludgeoning |
Magnifying glass | 94g 7s 8c | 75g 1s 6c | -- |
Manacles | 2g 8c | 1g 7s 5c | 6 lb. |
Map of the Region | 9g 8s | 6g 8s 8c | A detailed map depicting local landmarks, roads, and geographical features. |
Mason’s tools | 10g 8c | 6g 9s 8c | 8 lb. |
Maul | 10g 5s 9c | 8g 8s 1c | 10 lb. 2d6 bludgeoning, "Heavy, two-handed" |
Mirror, steel | 5g 4s 3c | 3g 7s 4c | 1/2 lb. |
Morningstar | 14g 6s 2c | 9g 9s | 4 lb. 1d8 piercing |
Navigator’s tools | 23g 8s 6c | 17g 2c | 2 lb. |
Net | 9s 8c | 6s 7c | 3 lb. "Special, thrown (range 5/15)" |
Oil (flask) | 3c | 3c | 1 lb. |
Padded | 6g 6s 1c | 4g 6s 4c | 8 lb. 11 + Dex modifier Stealth Disadvantage |
Painter’s supplies | 11g 9c | 6g 9s 4c | 5 lb. |
Pan flute | 10g 8s 1c | 8g 7s 8c | 2 lb. |
Paper (one sheet) | 1s 3c | 1s | -- |
Parchment (one sheet) | 1c | 1c | -- |
Perfume (vial) | 4g 4s | 3g 2s 2c | -- |
Pick, miner’s | 2g 8c | 1g 3s 6c | 10 lb. |
Pike | 4g 9s 5c | 3g 6s 7c | 18 lb. 1d10 piercing, "Heavy, reach, two-handed" |
Piton | 1c | -- | |
Plate | 1598g 5c | 1247g 8s 9c | 65 lb. 18. Stealth Disadvantage (req. Str 15) |
Playing card set | 5s | 3s 4c | -- |
Poison, basic (vial) | 99g 8s | 72g 1c | -- |
Pole (10-foot) | 3c | 2c | 7 lb. |
Pot, iron | 2g 2s 7c | 1g 9s 9c | 10 lb. |
Potion of Healing | 49g 8s 5c | 40g 3s | 1/2 lb. |
Potter’s tools | 9g 6s 7c | 7g 3s 8c | 3 lb. |
Pouch | 3s 8c | 3s 1c | 1 lb. |
Quarterstaff | 1s 2c | 9c | 4 lb. 1d6 bludgeoning, Versatile (1d8) |
Quiver | 7s 3c | 5s | 1 lb. |
Ram, portable | 4g 1s 8c | 3g 1s 8c | 35 lb. |
Rapier | 28g 2s 1c | 19g 5s 2c | 2 lb. 1d8 piercing, Finesse |
Rations (1 day) | 5s 9c | 4s 2c | 2 lb. |
Ring mail | 35g 3s | 30g 9s 9c | 40 lb. 14. Stealth Disadvantage |
Robes | 8s 4c | 6s 1c | 4 lb. |
Rope, 50 feet | 9s 8c | 7s 6c | A length of sturdy hemp rope, useful for climbing, tying, and securing objects. |
Rope, hempen (50 feet) | 9s 6c | 7s 7c | 10 lb. |
Rope, silk (50 feet) | 13g 8s 8c | 8g 8s 1c | 5 lb. |
Sack | 2c | 1c | 1/2 lb. |
Saddlebags | 4g 1s 6c | 3g 1s 3c | Large leather bags designed to hang from a saddle, ideal for carrying supplies while riding. |
Scale mail | 42g 9s 2c | 30g 8s 2c | 45 lb. 14 + Dex modifier (max 2). Stealth Disadvantage |
Scale, merchant’s | 4g 8s 8c | 4g 2s 5c | 3 lb. |
Scimitar | 23g 8s 2c | 17g 5s 7c | 3 lb. 1d6 slashing, "Finesse, light" |
Shawm | 1g 9s | 1g 4s 9c | 1 lb. |
Shield | 10g 7s 6c | 7g 2s | 6 lb. (+2) |
Shortbow | 24g 8s 2c | 19g 9s | 2 lb. 1d6 piercing, "Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed" |
Shovel | 1g 5s 4c | 1g 2s 1c | 5 lb. |
Sickle | 7s 4c | 4s 3c | 2 lb. 1d4 slashing, Light |
Signal whistle | 1c | -- | |
Sling | 8c | 6c | 1d4 bludgeoning, Ammunition (range 30/120) |
Sling bullets (20) | 1c | -- | |
Smith’s tools | 20g 5s 1c | 14g 6s | 8 lb. |
Soap | 1c | -- | |
Spear | 1g 7c | 8s 8c | 3 lb. 1d6 piercing, "Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)" |
Spellbook | 46g 4s 5c | 37g 6s | 3 lb. |
Spikes, iron (10) | 1g 7c | 8s 6c | 5 lb. |
Splint | 189g 6s 1c | 134g 1s 2c | 60 lb. 17. Stealth Disadvantage (req. Str 15) |
Spyglass | 1050g 8s 1c | 768g 4s 9c | 1 lb. |
Studded leather | 48g 5s 5c | 32g 2s 6c | 13 lb. 12 + Dex modifier |
Tent, two-person | 2g 1c | 1g 7s | 20 lb. |
Tents | 10g 8s 4c | 8g 1c | A portable shelter made of canvas, supported by collapsible poles and pegs. |
Thieves’ tools | 28g 7s 7c | 21g 3s 4c | 1 lb. |
Tinker’s tools | 56g 4s 5c | 41g 2c | 10 lb. |
Torch | 7c | 5c | 1 lb. |
Trail Rations | 4s 6c | 4s | A pre-packaged assortment of dried fruits, nuts, and jerky, perfect for long journeys. |
Traveler's Clothes | 9s 9c | 6s 7c | A set of practical clothing suitable for long journeys, made of durable fabrics. |
Traveler's Rations | 1g 9c | 7s 3c | A bundle of dried meats, bread, and cheese, providing sustenance for a day's journey. |
Trident | 5g 3s 8c | 3g 8s 5c | 4 lb. 1d6 piercing, "Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)" |
Vial | 1g 1s 3c | 8s 5c | -- |
Viol | 27g 1s 2c | 17g 6c | 1 lb. |
War Pick | 5g 4s | 3g 3s 3c | 2 lb. 1d8 piercing |
Warhammer | 13g 6s 8c | 10g 6s 2c | 2 lb. 1d8 bludgeoning, Versatile (1d10) |
Waterskin | 1s 6c | 1s 3c | 5 lb. (full) |
Weaver’s tools | 9s 8c | 7s 6c | 5 lb. |
Whetstone | 5c | 4c | A small stone used for sharpening blades and keeping weapons and tools in good condition. |
Whip | 1g 8s 4c | 1g 3s 9c | 3 lb. 1d4 slashing, "Finesse, reach" |
Woodcarver’s tools | 1g 3s 7c | 1g 2s 3c | 5 lb. |
canvas | 1c | -- | |
cinnamon | 1g 7s 7c | 1g 3s 1c | 1 lb. |
cloves | 2g 8s 1c | 2g 1s 3c | 1 lb. |
copper | 3s 4c | 2s 6c | 1 lb. |
cotton cloth | 4s 6c | 3s 7c | 1 sq. yd. |
flour | 2c | 2c | 1 lb. |
ginger | 1g | 7s 7c | 1 lb. |
gold | 47g 4s 2c | 30g 7s 2c | 1 lb. |
iron | 5c | 3c | 1 lb. |
linen | 5g 4s 1c | 3g 9s 3c | 1 sq. yd. |
one baby chicken | 2c | 2c | 1 lb. (limit 10 per week) |
one baby cow | 8g 9s 4c | 6g 5s 5c | -- |
one baby goat | 9s 1c | 6s 7c | -- |
one baby ox | 13g 3s 3c | 10g 8s 4c | -- |
one baby sheep | 2g 2s 4c | 1g 7s 1c | -- |
pepper | 2g 1c | 1g 5s 2c | 1 lb. |
platinum | 487g 6s 2c | 343g 9s 1c | 1 lb. |
saffron | 13g 8s 1c | 11g 1s 9c | 1 lb. |
salt | 1c | -- | |
silk | 10g 4s 6c | 8g 1s 7c | 1 sq. yd. |
silver | 4g 4s 8c | 3g 7s 5c | 1 lb. |
wheat | 1c | -- |
Item | Buy Price | Sell Price | Description |
Amulet of Serenity | 93g 7s 6c | 81g 4s 2c | An amulet that calms the wearer's mind and soothes their emotions, providing inner peace and clarity. |
Amulet of Vitality | 20697g 3s 6c | 18722g 3s 9c | While worn, this amulet grants its wearer increased vitality and resistance to disease. |
Amulet of the Planes | 153682g 1s | 119362g 4s 9c | -- |
Armor Potion (Standard) | 50g 5s | 42g 1s 1c | User's AC cannot fall below 13 + dexterity mod for 1 day. |
Bag of Chestnuts | 7s 3c | 5s 4c | 1 lb. |
Celestial Compass | 113g 2s 9c | 95g 3s 8c | A compass that always points towards the nearest celestial body, aiding travelers in navigation. |
Chalice of Life | 229g 7s 2c | 156g 2s 5c | A sacred chalice said to possess the power to heal wounds and cure diseases when filled with water. |
Cloak of Invisibility | 21842g 1s 2c | 17813g 8s 8c | This enchanted cloak renders the wearer invisible at will. |
Crystal Eye Pendant | 111g 3s 2c | 89g 2s 4c | An enchanted pendant that grants the wearer enhanced perception and insight into the world around them. |
Enigmatic Puzzle Box | 145g 7c | 85g 2s 1c | A mysterious puzzle box that reveals hidden compartments and secrets when solved. |
Gloves of Dexterity | 3515g 8s 3c | 2530g 9s 8c | These gloves enhance the wearer's manual dexterity and agility. |
Goggles of Night | 11335g 1s 7c | 7720g 8s 7c | This battered item was created by a god of magic for his most loyal champion. |
Lens of Truth | 72g 3s 6c | 62g 8s | A magnifying lens that reveals hidden truths and illusions when viewed through. |
Manual of Gainful Exercise (+1) | 22110g 5s | 18678g 8s 9c | This ornate item once belonged to the elf adventurer Dama, who vanished in the Lair of Poisonous Worms. (design provides clue to function) |
Mask of Deception | 102g 8s 1c | 77g 8s 9c | A deceptive mask that obscures the wearer's true intentions and emotions. |
Melodious Music Box | 173g 2s 6c | 130g 8s 3c | A music box that plays hauntingly beautiful melodies, capable of enchanting listeners. |
Mirage Cloak | 143g 9s | 111g 7s 4c | A cloak that shimmers and shifts, creating illusions of the wearer's surroundings to confuse attackers. |
Musical Instrument (Accordion) | 38g 4s 4c | 32g 2s | A portable wind instrument with a keyboard and bellows, producing sound by pressing keys and squeezing the bellows. |
Musical Instrument (Concertina) | 41g 4s 1c | 33g 4s 9c | A small, hexagonal accordion-like instrument with buttons on both ends, producing sound by pressing buttons and squeezing the bellows. |
Musical Instrument (Harp) | 52g 8s 3c | 42g 8s 2c | A large, stringed instrument with a triangular frame and multiple strings, played by plucking or strumming. |
Musical Instrument (Horn) | 3g 6s 2c | 3g 1s 1c | A brass instrument with a flared bell and tubing, played by buzzing the lips into a mouthpiece. |
Musical Instrument (Tambourine) | 9s | 5s 9c | A handheld percussion instrument with a circular frame and jingling metal discs, shaken or struck for rhythmic effect. |
Musical Instrument (Trombone) | 45g 2s 2c | 35g 4c | A brass instrument with a long slide for changing pitch, played by buzzing the lips into a mouthpiece. |
Potion of Darkvision | 360g 3s 5c | 277g 6s 2c | This glowing elixir causes shadows to appear darker when used. |
Potion of Giant Strength | 424g 1s 6c | 287g 9c | Increases strength to 21 for 1 hour. |
Rod of Absorption | 15854g 4c | 13661g 3s 4c | This rod can absorb and store magical energy, allowing its wielder to harness it later. |
Rod of Flame Extinguishing | 16431g 5s 6c | 12766g 4s 2c | This thin blackthorn rod once belonged to the half-elf hero Gonerdhil, leader of the Council of the Emerald Bear. |
Rod of the Python | 10685g 4s 4c | 7407g 3s 6c | This heavy rod also emits a thin ray of red light upon command. (inscription provides clue to function) |
Scroll of Fireball | 1450g 3s 2c | 942g 6s 6c | This arcane scroll contains the Fireball spell, allowing its user to cast it once. |
Staff of Power | 82304g 3s 4c | 58818g 8c | This staff is imbued with formidable magical energies, capable of unleashing devastating spells. |
True Wand | 21843g 2s 4c | 17344g 4s 9c | This wand can be used as an arcane focus. If you can castsells with an arcane focus and use this wand for yoursells, yoursells require no material components that cost less than 1000g. Additionally, when you cast asell using this wand as your arcane focus, roll an ability check with yoursellcasting ability score. If you roll higher than 11 + thesell's level, you cast thesell without using asellslot. This fails if you have nosellslots remaining of thesell's level and therefore couldn't cast without succeeding. |
Veil of Concealment | 131g 4s 7c | 104g 2s 3c | A shimmering veil that obscures the wearer's features, granting them anonymity and protection. |
Wheel of Cheese | 6g 1s 6c | 4g 7s 6c | 80 lb. |
Whispering Amulet | 119g 5s 9c | 93g 9s 5c | An enchanted amulet that allows the wearer to communicate telepathically with nearby allies. |
Yellow Topaz | 469g 3s 2c | 385g 3s 9c | -- |