The Tenichean Soul Orbs are powerful artifacts known for their mastery over spiritual rituals and bloodline connections. These orbs are formed by The Antianimus Device, which requires two humanoid sacrifices from differing bloodlines. The first sacrifice is from the bloodline that will gain control, and the second is from the bloodline that will be controlled. Both souls are transferred into a limbo state within the orb, with the second soul becoming subject to the control of the first. Crafted from a rare alloy of Rhenium, Gold, and Platinum, each orb is adorned with precious gems that store the physical consciousness of the contained souls. The wielder of a Tenichean Soul Orb must be of the same bloodline as the first sacrifice and maintain physical contact with the orb to harness its power. Once bonded, the wielder gains complete control over the soul and will of the soul contained within the orb from the second sacrifice, as well as immense influence over all descendants of that bloodline. The control over the bloodline begins powerful but slowly wanes over generations. Due to their formidable power, the Tenichean Soul Orbs have been hidden away and their secrets protected across the generations.