Zibb Sparkwhistle

small humanoid, chaotic neutral

Level: 6

Race: goblin

Class: artificer (artillerist)

Background: tinkerer

Miscillaneous Stats

  • Armor Class: 15 (mage armor)
  • Hit Points: 40
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Resistances: none
  • Immunities: none
  • Senses: darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception: 11
  • Languages: common, goblin


Ability Score Proficient Modifier
Strength 8 - -1
Dexterity 16 - +3
Constitution 14 - +2
Intelligence 18 - +4
Wisdom 12 - +1
Charisma 10 - +0


Skill Proficient Modifier
Acrobatics (Dex) - +3
Animal Handling (Wis) - +1
Arcana (Int) +7
Athletics (Str) - -1
Deception (Cha) - +0
History (Int) - +4
Insight (Wis) - +1
Intimidation (Cha) - +0
Investigation (Int) +7
Medicine (Wis) - +1
Nature (Int) - +4
Perception (Wis) - +1
Performance (Cha) - +0
Persuasion (Cha) - +0
Religion (Int) - +4
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +6
Stealth (Dex) - +3
Survival (Wis) - +1

Abilities, Spells, and Actions


Background Information

Zibb Sparkwhistle is a brilliant goblin artificer and inventor, known for his fascination with combining magic and technology to create innovative gadgets and devices. Specializing in small-scale inventions that harness electricity and magnetic phenomena, Zibb's creations range from self-propelled toy constructs to enchanted gadgets that can manipulate currents and fields. His arcane firearm and thunder cannon are prized possessions, capable of unleashing devastating blasts of energy on the battlefield. Despite his sometimes erratic behavior and chaotic experiments, Zibb's genius and creativity have earned him a reputation as a pioneer in the field of magical engineering.


Zibb always carries a small prototype of his next invention, a miniature lightning generator, which he tinkers with whenever inspiration strikes.